Privacy Policy

 If you need any additional information, or have any questions about the privacy policy, do not hesitate to contact us through the following contact form, contact us or via email:

At Rooz kitchen, we attach great importance to the privacy of our visitors, and this privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information that Rooz kitchen -  technology portal - website receives and collects and how it is used.

Log files

Like many other websites, Rooz Kitchen uses log files. The information we collect in these records includes the Internet address (IP address), browser type, service provider, date and time of use, pages visited, and links clicked to analyze visitors’ behaviors and patterns, with the aim of understanding them and improving the site’s service appropriately. All of this data is not linked to any personal information.


We use temporary files (or cookies) to store information about visitors' preferences, record specific information about the user to understand his behavior within the site and the pages he visits, and customize web page content based on the visitor, browser type, or any other information that the visitor sends via his browser.

Third parties

Some third parties, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, may use cookies to identify the user and customize the user experience (such as ads) based on his or her preferences on those third parties’ sites.

You can opt out of the use of cookies to identify you and customize advertisements provided by Google according to your preferences by visiting the following Google advertising website

Third parties automatically collect your Internet (IP) address when you visit our site. Other technologies such as cookies may also be used by third parties to learn how you use the site and your preferences, measure the effectiveness of their advertisements or customize those advertisements to suit your interests.

Rooz kitchen has no access to or control over the cookies used by these third parties.

For more information about the practices of third parties and instructions on how to opt out of their use of data, you should consult the privacy policy of the relevant party. Rooz kitchen's privacy policy does not apply to any third parties, and we cannot monitor or control the activities of those parties with the information they collect about you.

If you wish to disable cookies, you can do so through your browser options. For more detailed information about managing cookies in your browser, you can see the browser’s website.

Log in via social networks

When you log in to the Rooz Kitchen website through one of the social networks (in order to comment on the site), we collect some information about you, such as your name, personal photo, your account identification number (or ID), your email, and your website.

Comment Policy

When you leave any comment on the Rooz kitchen website, we collect some information about you, whether from social networks or by requesting it from you.

All the information we take, in addition to the date and time of the comment and the text of the comment, other than your email, is publicly displayed on the site and anyone can view or keep it. We do not share any of your personal information with any third party and we only display general information on the site alongside Your comment is as stated above.
